When the central car locking system is not working, it can be one of the most stressful situations a car owner can go through, as this can prevent access to driving your car. But what has caused this frustrating dilemma? Read this blog to see some reasons why your car door lock might not be working.

Car Key Not Working?
Has your car key stopped working? Our local Auto Locksmiths are on hand to help! Whether you need a car key repair or replacement, call Keytek® Auto Locksmiths.
Key Fob Isn’t Working
When your key fob isn’t working, it usually indicates that you need to replace your car key battery.
A car key fob is a remote keyless system, that’s also known as remote central locking. A key fob has transmitters installed in them so that when you press the button on the fob, it sends radio wave signals to your car to enable opening and closing your car door.
However, key fobs contain batteries, which will wear out after a while like any battery, so if the battery dies, the fob then loses power and won’t be able to open or close your car doors. To avoid this and make sure you can always open and close your car doors, ensure that you have spare batteries, and change your car key battery regularly.
Broken Actuator
An actuator is an essential part of the electronic control systems in vehicles; most of them are electric motors or electro-magnetic valves. In the engine control system, they regulate the idle speed, controlling air flaps and meter fuel for optimum combustion. For convenience systems, the actuator is responsible for locking and unlocking car doors.
So, if the actuator is broken, it prevents signals from reaching the car door, causing problems with locking and unlocking the car doors.
Electrical Wiring
Faulty wiring in the car door system can lead to the controls of the door to malfunction, meaning that locking and unlocking the car doors will become an issue.
What Causes Faulty Wiring in a Car?
The primary causes of wiring issues in a car are exposure to moisture, road salt, and other chemicals that result in the corrosion of wires. The corrosion can lead to increased resistance, which then results in either a poor performance or potentially a complete failure of the wiring harness, which will ultimately stop your car from starting.
Blown Fuse in a Car
A fuse in a car is a component that protects the electrical wiring in cars and other vehicles, ensuring that the amount of electrical energy that reaches the door is manageable. Their job is to protect against overcurrent and short-circuiting by disconnecting the circuit if a harmful level of current is detected.
If a fuse in the car is blown, then it prevents power transfer to the actuator, therefore disabling the lock system, also making it difficult to start and operate its electrical components. An easy way to tell that a fuse has blown and that’s what the issue is, is that when working properly, the test light will illuminate on both sides. However, if the fuse has blown, only one side of the test light will illuminate. It is also not safe to drive with a blown fuse, and this can cause even more problems with the car and can even put the safety of you and your passengers at risk.
What Will Help You Keep Your Car Secure?
If you are in a situation where you are not able to lock your car and you are worried about the safety of your car, there are some precautions to take while figuring out what the main cause of the problem is. Installing an anti-theft device for your car is ideally the safest option to take, where you can invest in steering wheel locks and a high security car alarm. Other suggestions would be to park your vehicle in a well-lit area and hide any valuables that are in your car.