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Can You Track Mercedes Car Keys?

Max Kelly

Updated: Sep 18, 2024

Losing your keys can be a nightmare, especially if you lose the keys to a newer vehicle, as replacing them can be extremely costly. It's critical to keep track of where you've put your keys to save yourself the stress and cost of replacing them.

Is There a Way to Track Mercedes Key?

Using the Mercedes Me App, you have the ability to track your car if it is within 1 mile of your vehicle; however, this feature only tracks the vehicle and not the car key fob.

Most car keys cannot be tracked unless they have a tracker on the key ring. Some keys from newer, more modern cars have GPS tracking devices incorporated into the car keys and the car, allowing you to track them, but this is very rare, so it’s unlikely you should rely on your car to have this feature.

If your Mercedes car key does have the ability to be tracked but becomes unpaired with your vehicle or the battery dies, your car key tracking will most likely fail, and you will require a car key replacement and reprogram service.

The best way to assure yourself of constant tracking is to buy a tracking device to connect to your keys, such as an Airtag or other tracking device. This will connect to your car keys and provide constant tracking that is incredibly accurate to a matter of centimetres, so you can always find them if they go missing.

Mercedes Benz car key

What Types of Mercedes Car Keys Are There?

The 2 main types of Mercedes car keys are chrome keys, usually seen on newer models and smart key which is made entirely out of plastic and seen on the older Mercedes models.

Mercedes Transponder Key

The first type of key is a transponder key, which contains an RFID chip that is unique to your vehicle. It means that your car will be unable to start without the fob.

Mercedes Smart Key

The second kind is a smart key, which includes both a transponder and a transmitter. The buttons allow the driver to remotely lock, unlock, and start the vehicle. And, like the transponder key, you can't start the car until the fob is nearby or in the car.

Mercedes Chrome Key

The last type of key is a chrome key, which symbolises Mercedes-Benz's most recent key creation. The chrome keys enable remote start, locking and unlocking, and push-button starting for your vehicle without the need to put any metal blades into the ignition.

mercedes car on road

Need A Mercedes Car Key Replacement?

Have you lost your keys for your Mercedes-Benz car? At Keytek® Auto Locksmiths, we can provide many services for Mercedes car keys, whether you have lost them entirely or the key needs to be reprogrammed to the vehicle. Our expert locksmith is trained to deal with all these types of problems and should be able to have you back on the road as quickly as possible.

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